This weekend we ordered the new windows. Please send money.
On Sunday my mom, Jenny, Greg, Don and I went up to the house. We removed a lots of stuff from the basement and a huge net that was buried a few inches below the soil in the back yard. I saw our neighbor while we we're removing it and asked her what it was, it turns out the previous owner had a huge baseball net for his sons to practice batting & pitching. It must of been 20'x40' with vines and poison ivy holding it in place. Greg is covered in rashes as a result.
On Monday we had our energy audit and learned about the rebates and loans we can qualify for. Do it yourself window installation does not qualify for the loan so we can only use the loan for the boiler and insulation.
On Tuesday Greg removed the rest of the flooring in our future master bath. He then took an ax to a section of our basement, we'll need to pour a new pad for the furnace and hot water heater. I pushed down a brick column that was holding up the house, but now we have new lally columns we don't need it. Of course we then had to carry out all the bricks and cement so that was lots of fun.
Today we got back two quotes for the plumbing and heating, $8,000 more then I expected.